Thursday, December 21, 2006

The new look

Well this is my new blog. I've done lots of editing, revising and even adding onto the blog. I LOVE the new blogger beta version so much more! There are so many more things you can now do that you couldn't before. If you haven't already checked out my sidebar, you need to cause I have some really cool things you can check out (and I keep adding!)

Had a party last night at my Academic Challenge advisor's house, and tonight I'm going to my sister's house to hang out for a bit and babysit my 10 month nephew in the morning. Over the weekend I finally got to see Jack Black in Nacho Libre (which was kind of disappointing) and Over the Hedge, which made up for it. And I wouldn't mind seeing that upcoming George Clooney movie where he is a military journalist or something. I forget the name. Has anyone seen De' ja 'vu with Denzel? I want to and I heard it was good.

I finally have a break in my schedule and I just started Christmas Break today. Only 4 more days! I've got all my presents, and they are wrapped and ready to go. I've loved watching the annual television shows reflecting back on the year. A new one this year was Comedy Central's Last Laugh '06. And speaking of the 2006 television shows, one thing really upset me: We can make fun of Bush, Mel Gibson, Lindsey Lohan's junk, but we don't even say one word about freaking NASA. Are we being brain washed? As I was editing old posts I came across this one and it reminded me: what ever did happen to those boxes? I mean that was back in August!! See what I mean about the whole cover-up thing? I've been searching the internet like crazy trying to find an update somewhere on what kind of crap NASA's saying about it now and this is the only thing I can find. (Leave it to Wikipedia!)
If anyone knows anything about it or has an update PLEASE let me know so that I can keep up with this conspiracy THAT NEEDS ADRESSING.

Well that's about all I'll say for now. Have a great holiday weekend, and if I don't post again soon, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a Happy New Year!

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Note from the Author

If you find a spelling mistake or other critical error (such as a mistaken date, etc.) please notify me via a comment on the latest post directing me to the error. Much thanks for mistakes that are reported!
Some things found within this site may be outdated. For the sake of readers and to eliminate any confusion, a red OUTDATED mark will show up somewhere within the post.
In the event of a non-factual story that resembles a person/reader in any way is work of FICTION and should be accepted as complete coincidence.
Last Revised: 01/24/07 by Spooky Sam