Friday, January 19, 2007

Smart enough to solve?

What is the longest word in the English language that can be produced from the following ten letters?


The answer will be revealed in a future post.


Randi said...

Oh Boy....THIS. WILL. TAKE. ME. AWHILE.Umm...who am I kidding? I won't even try it, and you know it:0

Max and Me said...

i give up. tell me the answer before my brain explodes.

Note from the Author

If you find a spelling mistake or other critical error (such as a mistaken date, etc.) please notify me via a comment on the latest post directing me to the error. Much thanks for mistakes that are reported!
Some things found within this site may be outdated. For the sake of readers and to eliminate any confusion, a red OUTDATED mark will show up somewhere within the post.
In the event of a non-factual story that resembles a person/reader in any way is work of FICTION and should be accepted as complete coincidence.
Last Revised: 01/24/07 by Spooky Sam