Monday, July 17, 2006

Pobias do not equal superstitions

Ok so I have a few phobias and I admit that. But for someone that knows you and loves you to "discharge" them like they aren't even there is wrong. And don't even start with the superstition crap.... if you have a problem with the way I handle my life, and the problems that I face daily then you need to just stay away. You don't understand me and you never will - so quite trying to diagnose my actions with your sick perceptions of life.

Maybe I got a little too mad there but I get so sick of people thinking they know me.
Hey, maybe this will cheer me up.

asdlfkja;sldjfoaisd;lfjas;ldfjlas hgoha;odifhglah ;lkx,m;asdfasdfi
sflkajsdfhasdofuhgln;xlc ijh;ljz;lidxjofhashd fahslkcjflxijc;alisd
sdklfj;oaish;odhfx;lkjnsnfjanglkc.cj fhasdkfjosidhflajhxl;lxkj;al
khasd;lfa;lsdyhanb's;iraieoas9ralskjf;aosjdfasjhg;asgh; n

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1 comment:

Randi said...

May I ask young brother of mine, WHO upset you? I didn't even know you HAD Phobias? Are they the same as mine? Are they as BAD as mine? Your not afraid of sharks and germs are you? Are you?! Or perhaps your phobia is that some how Tivo won't tape the season ticket of "The Golden Girls"? Or maybe, just maybe, your true phobia is that Karp eater will get you in the pond, or whatever you guys call him....:O

Note from the Author

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Some things found within this site may be outdated. For the sake of readers and to eliminate any confusion, a red OUTDATED mark will show up somewhere within the post.
In the event of a non-factual story that resembles a person/reader in any way is work of FICTION and should be accepted as complete coincidence.
Last Revised: 01/24/07 by Spooky Sam