Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Film Critic

I was watching the Sci Fi channel yesterday and they aired this new television showed called Dead Like Me. It was pretty entertaining, besides the fact that pretty much everybody was dead. (And that her mom thought the word "moist" was pornographic.) The lead actress I recognize from one of the episodes in the third season of XF. Anyway, it's about this typical teenage girl who gets killed by a flying toliet asteroid or something, then becomes a "grim reaper" in which her and her colleuges are suppose to take the souls out of people who are just about to die from these black demon-looking things and then send the souls to "the light". It's another one of those stupid TV shows that suggests a 'higer power' and not God. So I watched two episodes back to back and they seemed pretty good. I don't know, maybe this show could go somewhere. It's better than most shows like "MURDER SHE CROAKED."

Ok, also - about the Pirates of the Caribbean second movie. I've seen the previews and not the movie, but something tells me I don't want to see burnt-out Johnny Depp running around with mascara yelling "arghhh!" I just don't know why people get so into this crap. Perhaps the second will be better than the first, though.

Sorry for the random blog changes. I have been under construction frequently so I apologize if there are large margains or over-lapped text. Also, I added a section called "My Intrests" to my blog. To go there, click here or visit it under my profile.

1 comment:

Randi said...

I've heard that show...Dead like me, why did I think it was an HBO special?!

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Last Revised: 01/24/07 by Spooky Sam