Here's a list of a few old-wives-tales to let you know if they are actually true or not. Here we go:
1. Chocolate/grease, etc. gives you more zits or pimples. FALSE
2. You can not swim until at least a half hour to an hour after eating. COMPLETELY FALSE
3. If a dog's nose is warm and/or dry, it means the dog is sick. FALSE
4. Chicken Noodle soup is good for you if you are sick. TRUE
5. Going out in the cold with wet hair will make you sick. (Or sitting in a draft.) FALSE
You can not get sick from these situations. The only way you get a cold is by a viral infection.
6. The white of an egg is better for you than the yoke. FALSE An egg is an egg!
7. Warm milk helps you go to sleep. This one is TRUE. Milk has a special nutrient in it that helps your brain produce a special chemical. This chemical is what causes sleep. Milk can also give you lots of dreams. But, if you're like me and can't stand to even think about warm milk, fortunately cold milk works the same.
8. If you shave your head or beard the hair will grow back thicker and corser than normal. It may even change styles (Example: Curly hair would grow back straight.) FALSE
9. Butter will heal a small burn. FALSE for sure
10. Put steak on a black eye. TRUE! This one is hard to believe, but it works! Try to think back to seeing an old cartoon. Remember how you would see someone get hit in the eye and then the next scene they would be sitting there with a steak on their eye? Well, basically a black eye is a bruise - and a bruise is caused by a broken blood vesel. So we all know that to reduce a bruise you have to put something cool on it, like an ice pack, right? Right. But if you think about it, ice packs really don't fit on your eye that well and they're really cold. A steak is less cool, and the better advantage is that it is flexible enough to fit the form of your eye. So back in the old days when a steak cost like $ .35, what did you do for a big shinner? Grab a steak!
11. You can never get pregnant the first time. FALSE!
12. A full moon causes people to go mad and do crazy stuff like committ murders. MAYBE
For years this has been a popular suggestion. For many it is a completely stupid theory, but others (like myself) believe it. There have been tests and studies to show that the crime rate does indeed go up during a full moon. These studies, ofcourse, still do not prove the theory. A note from me: The moon is a very powerful thing - besides, it's responsible for the tides!
13. Reading in dim light will ruin your vision. FALSE This is another HUGE misleading mentality that if you read in dim light it will ruin your vision. Your eyes are made to change to different shades of light. It is proven that reading in dim light strains your eyes, which could causes slight tension headaches, but when this question was asked to the National Department of Vision (or something like that) they replied by saying, "Reading in dim light will no more damage your eyes than taking a photograph of a dim-lit room will damage a camera lense."
14. Chapstick can make a paper cut heal faster and become less sensitive. TRUE
Those are just a few to mention. If you want to research some more, there are plenty sources of information on the internet just like this that can help.
Have a great day, and remember "An apple a day keeps the doctor away!" ;)
Monday, July 31, 2006
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Note from the Author
If you find a spelling mistake or other critical error (such as a mistaken date, etc.) please notify me via a comment on the latest post directing me to the error. Much thanks for mistakes that are reported!
Some things found within this site may be outdated. For the sake of readers and to eliminate any confusion, a red OUTDATED mark will show up somewhere within the post.
In the event of a non-factual story that resembles a person/reader in any way is work of FICTION and should be accepted as complete coincidence.
Last Revised: 01/24/07 by Spooky Sam
Thanks for clearing all this up for us;)
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