Thursday, August 03, 2006


The UFO watch was (ofcourse) unsucessful. About all I saw was a little shooting star. It was fun though, I recomend anyone to do what I did, even if you are a skeptic. The stars were beautiful last night, and the moon was a half full moon. Spent about an hour and a half watching, before I had to go to bed and get some sleep for a business meeting this morning. So, I will probably go out again tonight and stay longer since I don't have any plans tomorrow.

In the latest news, Mel Gibson, (writer and director of The Passion of the Christ, and well known actor), was recently pulled over for drunk driving. Apparantly he is also believed to have made racist remarks to the police officer, about that officer's Jewish religion. (That might just be rumor, so correct me if I'm wrong.) But, the incident sure doesn't help Gibson's reputation of supposedly being "anti-semetic."

That's all for now. Keep cool in this [over a week] of heat waves.

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Randi said...

I'm VERY impressed with how your blog is coming along!! Me being the blogging gal I am, I love knowing there are other people taking the same amount of time to make it their blogs look awesome!!! Good Job!

Spooky Sam said...

well thank you, love.

Note from the Author

If you find a spelling mistake or other critical error (such as a mistaken date, etc.) please notify me via a comment on the latest post directing me to the error. Much thanks for mistakes that are reported!
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In the event of a non-factual story that resembles a person/reader in any way is work of FICTION and should be accepted as complete coincidence.
Last Revised: 01/24/07 by Spooky Sam